This section contains information that will help make your shopping experience fun and easy.


How to order?

  • For your convenience, we have launched effective product ordering functions. You can purchase products as a registered user or if you are short of time - without registration.

    You can call us at +994504114114 to ask additional questions about the desired product.

How to place an order?

  • The Administrators of “MYBRANDS.AZ” online platform do their best to make the shopping process as simple and transparent as possible. Learn how to place an order in a few quick steps.

    1. Select the desired category and product.

    2. If the product you have selected is available in multiple options, please select the appropriate size and colour. Then the exact price of the item will be displayed.

    3. Add the selected items to your shopping bag - at this stage, you can return to the shopping process.

    4. To proceed to the next stage, click on the "Complete Order" button.

    5. Enter the shipping address

    The order summary, located on the right side, will show the item price, delivery costs, and the total due amount.

    Accept our “Terms and Conditions” and click the "Proceed to payment" button.

    6. Enter your Bank card details.

    7. That's it! You have just placed an order at “”.

    8. You will receive an email with the order summary.

    You can also easily place an order by phone - the contact details of our Customer support service are listed below:

    Tel: +994504114114


How to uodate MyBrands card

To update your MyBrands card, you need to contact our Information Center*

*Information Center in located in Ganjlik Mall in Adidas shop (temporarily)